Thursday, December 9, 2010

A mousse in the house.

My mother is a "no frills" kind of woman. She doesn't put on airs,
and she sure doesn't need no high  falutin' mousse,
 for fluffing up her hairs.

I was in high school when my father discovered hair mousse. My father was a cheapskate, so he brought home this can of generic mousse. It came in a plain white can, with thin red white and blue stripes at the top, and the label read, "No Frills generic hair mousse".  Which is kind of funny, since mousse is a frill.

My father didn't use mousse, my mother was disgusted to even have the stuff in her whole wheat household. My sister may have used it sparingly, if at all.

My father bought another can of No Frills mousse.
My father bought another can of No Frills mousse.

We always had multiple cans of mousse in the bathroom, but nothing in there to read, so while I was having my function, I got in the habit of putting mousse in my hair. It was really low quality mousse, with barely any active ingredients, so I could absorb quite a lot of it with my thick brown hair. I would also put my finger over the nozzle, and spray white foamy ribbons of mousse around the bathroom, while I was on the toilet.
The stuff was all water, so it would just evaporate in a little while.

It seemed like every time my father came home from the grocery store, another can of mousse would come out of the bag.

I kind of felt like it was my responsibility to mousse myself as often as possible, just to get rid of the stuff.
I moussed myself several times a day, combed away what little crunchiness it left behind, and moussed again.

My father must have felt some kind of patriarchal responsibility to keep up with the household mousse demands, because he would just ramp up supplies, and I could never gain on the mousse situation.
I had the silkiest hair.
I have used more mousse than you.

1 comment:

  1. My maternal grandmother used to call the long green fuzzy "flowers" of live oak trees - Mousse! Why? I still don't know. This was in the days way before the hair stuff made an appearance on the scene.
