Monday, December 6, 2010

The egg came first.

It's much better to fry an egg in mayonnaise, instead of butter, because it's easier to dab a little mayonnaise out of a jar, than to get butter on your fingers while you fuss with the waxed paper wrapper.

Also, I don't like cutting butter. It has an unreliable hardness-factor.

My friend Adam told me that it's a good idea to crack an egg on the bottom of the pan, not the edge.
That way you don't get a lot of gooey egg white solidifying on the edge of the pan.

Also, a guy with a speech impediment who worked in a deli once saw my filthy hands, and told me that mayonnaise was a very effective hand cleaner.

I know this post may not be as entertaining as usual, but it is often the mundanely informational, that can have the most impact over the long run. You will thank me when you are older.





That's more like it.

Well duh!
don't mind if I do!

That's cool, I'll be having my fill of egg soon anyway!

I am conflicted.

1 comment:

  1. A friend once baked a turkey basted in mayo in a paper bag and I was afraid and sceptical, but it came out as well as any turkey I've eaten.
